sexta-feira, 9 de março de 2012

Indie Hip Hop/Hip Hop Independente- Charmz

Today TheHipHopHome bring other New Indie Hip Hop Artist, is Charmz, with you new Music Produced
By Johnny Juliano,

Charmz style will mark the emergence of hip-hops most important new voice. The mixtape
features 9 promotional only tracks from super producer Johnny Juliano.Single
"BETTER WAY" is Charmz single off Love Chronicle, which is a Hip Hop and R&B
Mix-tape that has a catchy twist to each song. 17 feat songs for you to enjoy
The dictionary defines the word Charm as to capture, attract or cause
to be enamored. All these qualities and more lie in the music of indie hip-hop artist Charmz :

Charmz-Better Way Produced by Johnny Juliano

Acima você confere o Som do Artista Independente Norte Americano Charmz.